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ISU AMS Classmate Finder

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MATH 165 | MATH 166 | MATH 265 | MATH 266
STAT 105 | PHYS 221 | PHYS 222
MTEOR 206|

MTEOR 404 | MTEOR 407 |
MTEOR 417 | MTEOR 432 |
MTEOR 443 | MTEOR 301 | MTEOR 342 |

PHYS 222
No leaders yet! Try the forums.

Jared Riedemann - jaried@iastate.edu
Jeffrey Canterbury - jeffrey2@iastate.edu
Nick Lesser - nvlesser@iastate.edu
Tyler Morrison - tylerm02@iastate.edu
Zachary Perez - zlperez@iastate.edu