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ISU AMS Meeting Minutes
October 30, 2006

Dr. Kristie Franz:

Costume Contest:

-A wide variety of costumes were represented.

-Thank you to all who participated in the costume contest.

National AMS:

-If you are already a member, renew your membership soon.

Treasurer Update - Lisa:

-We currently have $1,400 in our account.

-If you were on the broomball team, you owe Lisa $2.00.

Social Chair Update - Jesse:

-Thank you to all who came to the corn maze (19 people!).

-The next broomball game is Nov. 2nd, 1:10 a.m. (technically Nov. 3rd)

-Our AMS women were named Women's Flag Football Champions!

Academic Chair Update - Kaj:

-Finals are about 5 weeks away

-Jason Patton is now the leader for Physics 222

Cy's Eyes Update - Scott and Kaj:

Severe Weather Workshop - Scott:

-November 10th in Agron 3128 at 7 p.m.

-At the end we will have a real-world simulation and practice issuing warnings.

-If you have any ideas for a case study, let Scott know (slincoln@iastate.edu).

WxChallenge Update - Jayson:

-Orlando - 10th

-Fresno - 12th

Dave Flory, Justin Gehrts, Jon Hobbs, and Jayson Prentice were the top.

-Caribou - currently 13th

Iowa Forecast Contest:

-Remember the deadline has been changed to 5:30 p.m.

-Andrew Ansorge won period three.

-Jon Hobbs is the overall leader after three periods.

-One more forecast before break.

-Contact Jon Hobbs if you would like to join (jonhobbs@iastate.edu).

Constitutional Amendments:

Severe Weather Poster Contest:

-We started this last year.



-The due date is Friday, November 17th (note the change in date).

-Sell, sell, sell! (Ask parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends)

NWS Visit:

-Wednesday, November 8th.

-Meet at parking lot north of Agronomy at 5:45 p.m.

CPR Training:

-Details about this training are in progress...we may also add first aid certification.

First Snowfall Contest:

-This was the last time to sign up for the contest.

NWA Meeting:

-Tuesday, November 14th at Legends Restaurant in Ames. Time TBA.

NEXT AMS Meeting: Tuesday, November 28th, 7:00 p.m.