Seasonal Forecasting: Exploration and Evaluation


  1. To explore the current state-of-the-art in seasonal climate forecasting.
  2. To develop tools for assessing the accuracy and utility of seasonal forecasts.

Task 1

(a) Peruse the NOAA Climate Prediction Center's web sites as well as other sources, starting with these seasonal forecasting web sites.

(b) Search the Web for other possible sites with information. Please try to come up with at least one more.

(c) After reviewing these products, answer these questions:

  1. Where would you like to spend Spring Break (based on expected weather) and why? You should use at least 3 different sources of information to support your reasoning.
  2. How much trust do you place in the forecasts you used for question 1? Could you find information to support your degree of trust in the forecast?
Email me your responses as well as the URL for additional site(s) found by you.

Task 2

Start examining some quantitative forecast output

NCEP makes available experimental forecast output for up to six months lead time for the fields surface air temperature, precipitation, and 200 hPa geopotential height. I have downloaded several forecasts. They are stored on the Meteorology Program machines.

  1. Login to one of the Meteorology Program computers. If you are not sure how to do this, follow directions in the guide, Accessing Meteorology Computers.

  2. Once on the machine, change directories to the MT455/555 work space:
    cd /mthome/MT455.555
    This puts you in a directory containing some fortran codes (files ending in ".f"). Make your own subdirectory within this directory, where you can do your work:
    mkdir [yourname]
    where [yourname] can be what ever you want, but I suggest you use your login name on the system.

  3. Read the file "README_OUTPUT" to find out more about how NCEP generated the forecast files. You can ignore for now the information about the 1979-1999 "forecasts".

  4. There are 3 fortran files in the MT455.555/ directory that you should examine: As their names imply, they are nearly identical, so my discussion will focus on Extract_Tfore.f. This is a code that can extract the temperature forecasts for a particular point. If you specify a specific latitude and longitude, the code finds the nearest gridpoint in the output data set and extracts the information for that gridpoint. (If you are feeling uncertain about reading and running fortran programs, please let me know, though you should not have to edit and compile this one.)

  5. I'd like you to run Extract_fore.f. Simply type in its executable form's name, preceeded by a "./":
    It will start running and prompt you with a question:
    Give personal identifier for output files
    (three characters, surrounded by single quote marks (') )
    This identifier will be a prefix to output files you generate running this code, thus helping you identify your output while ensuring that you do not overwrite someone else's output. For example, when I ran the codes, I entered 'WJG'.

    You next see

     Give target latitude (degrees)
     (Note:  90S = -90., 90N = +90., etc.)
    You respond by simply typing in a target latitude of your choice (for example, Ames, IA, is at approximately +42.) and pushing the return key. Then you will get another prompt:
     Give target longitude (degrees)
     (Note:  100W = -100., 190E = +100., etc.)
    Enter the longitude (e.g., Ames, IA, is at about 93.5 W). Note the importance of the minus sign here, esp. for longitudes west of Greenwich! (e.g., 93.5 W = -93.5). The code will give back some information regarding the closest NCEP grid point to the target point you entered, then appear to sit silent for a while, until you see a "Done!" statement. You've now completed a run of the code.

  6. The code will produce two output files. When I ran them, these files were written:

    The first file contains monthly average surface air temperature forecasts, forecasting 1, 2, ... 6 months in advance from early January 2003. Multiple forecasts (20) were created, producing an ensemble of forecasts for each month. Thus, WJG.T_Extract.out contains all 20 forecasts for the targeted point, with one line for each forecast month. The file WJG.T_Extract.stats contains summary information: the average of the 20 forecasts and the standard deviation of the 20 forecasts. The files are written in comma-delimited format, so you can download them to a PC and read them into a program that produces plots, like Excel. The "stats" file also contains the units of the output.

  7. Use the output files to create a plot like this one. The heavy dotted lines are the average forecast +/- 1 standard deviation among all forecasts. The lighter solid lines are the individual forecasts. "Month" on the figure refers to how many months in advance is being forecasted.

  8. Assuming each forecast is equally valid, but contains some error, the spread of forecasts is assumed to be proportional to overall precision. When are the forecasts most precise? Least? Judging from the figure (either mine or the one you create), about how precise is the forecast of surface air temperature (that is, how many degrees?)

  9. Repeat this procedure with a couple of other points in very different locations (e.g., over ocean, polar region, southern hemisphere). How does precision change? How does the forecasted climate change with month?

  10. Note that "precision" is not the same as "accuracy". The former refers to the repeatability of the forecast, the latter how close the forecast is to reality. What would you expect the accuracy of the forecast to be relative to its precision?

Task 3

Some sources of information.

Report back to class in one week on focus issues brought up above that your group is researching, focusing on answering all questions above

Task 4

Turn in:

  1. Short summary of group's answers to the questions above
  2. Sources of information (books, web sites, people, etc.)

After each group addresses the questions above (preliminary assessment), then consider these questions:

Some summaries of sector information.

Task 5

Develop (and defend) an index for the accuracy of a seasonal forecast as it is relevant to your sector.

This index will use as input forecast errors and will give on output an error measure that indicates forecast accuracy from the sector's perspective. The index should be based on which forecast variables are most important to the sector and should wieght them according to importance. Several factors may affect the weighting, such as lead time, verification time and location of the forecast.

This index will be the first step toward assessing the value of a forecast. Obviously low error is the best, but error is inevitable. The real questions are: How much error can the sector tolerate? How would a sector use an imperfect forecast to "hedge its bets"? Addressing these issues starts to give a sense of forecast value to the sector.

Some sector-dependent indices.

Task 6

Find additional web sites with seasonal information

  1. - How are they similar/different?
  2. - Who is their intended audience?
  3. - How do they get their information?

Special Challenge: We need forecast verification information from at least one source so that the sector-dependent indices indices can be tested. Gather this information. Possible sources are:

  1. Further web pages
  2. Direct contact with forecasting centers (via email)

Task 7

Apply the preliminary utility index for your case. Consider how changing the lead time affects the score for your index.

Testing will probably require using output from the hindcasts produced along with the forecasts. Please follow these instructions to run the hindcast output extraction codes.

Task 8

Write a report on your study. Among other things the report should include:
  1. Introduction motivating the topic
  2. Description of data sources, their accuracy and their limitations.
  3. Desciption of forecast output (fields, spatial resolution, period covered, domain covered for your project, etc.)
  4. Analysis procedures and tools, e.g.,
  5. Results
  6. Intrepretation of results

In other words, your report should be structured like a published scientific paper.

Some past reports for guidance.

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