I (Jayson A. Prentice) am a student at Iowa State University, where I am majoring in Meteorology and completing a minor in Geology. I am scheduled to graduate after the spring 2009 semester, thus a graduation date in May 2009. This portfolio page contains much of the research and projects that I have completed during my four years at Iowa State University. You may see a bulk of this research by viewing either the Undergraduate Research or Other Examples, or read an overview of the projects and research that I have been a part of by reading my Resume.

My education is shown through the Courses section of my portfolio, and you may read through my Professional Goals to read the potential that I wish to reach beyond my graduation from Iowa State University.

I am very active outside of the classroom meteorology as well, but I manage to tie my other hobbies into weather and meteorology as well. If you wish, you can check out any one of my other sites, including my personal weather and storm chasing website,
Iowa Chaser; or view my part-time business website of Jayson Prentice Photography.

Thanks for visiting,

Jayson Prentice