Carbon Cycle, Methane

Typical Exam Questions

1. Global carbon cycle

2. Discuss the relative time scales for storing carbon in corn stalks, oak trees, and deep-sea marine shell fish. Compare these with the lifetime of carbon in the atmosphere.

3. Why is it important to be able to account for all fluxes of carbon in the earth/atmosphere/ocean system?

4. List three distinct molecules in the atmosphere that contain carbon and give a natural source and an anthropogenic source of each.

5. Discuss the validity of the following statement: "Carbonated beverages (e.g., Coke, Pepsi) give off CO2 and therefore contribute to an increase in greenhouse gases."

6. List 5 significant economic advantages of CO2-induced global warming.

7. Why do we need continuing research on the carbon cycle?

8. Discuss where carbon monoxide poisoning might occur and how it interferes with normal body functions.

9. Consider land committed to forest vs. grassland vs. annual crop.