PROGRAM Temperature_Conversion_3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Program to convert temperatures on the Celsius scale to the ! corresponding temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale. A query- ! controlled input loop is used to process several temperatures. ! Variables used are: ! Celsius : temperature on the Celsius scale ! Fahrenheit : temperature on the Fahrenheit scale ! Response : user's response to the more-data query ! ! Input: Celsius, Response ! Output: Fahrenheit !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: Celsius, Fahrenheit CHARACTER(1) :: Response ! Query-controlled loop to process temperatures DO ! Obtain Celsius temperature PRINT *, "Enter temperature in degrees Celsius:" READ *, Celsius ! Calculate corresponding Fahrenheit temperature Fahrenheit = 1.8 * Celsius + 32.0 ! Display temperatures PRINT *, Celsius, "degrees Celsius =", & Fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit" ! Query user if there is more data PRINT * PRINT *, "More temperatures to convert (Y or N)?" READ *, Response IF ((Response == "N").OR.(Response=="n")) EXIT END DO END PROGRAM Temperature_Conversion_3